Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Visit to the Doctor & Hot Shakes

As you may have noticed, I have been out of commission these past few days.  I woke up a few mornings ago with a sore throat and fever which has gotten progressively worse.  After a late night trip to a doctor and pharmacy last night, it looks like I have tonsillitis.

There isn't much to share about the last couple days other than I've been spending a lot of time in bed catching up on Desperate Housewives.  Eating has been pretty much impossible with my throat, however, Meghan and I did make a stop at Hot Shakes last night.  We met a local in a pub the other night who told us he works at this place that sells hot milkshakes.  We were so intrigued by the idea of a hot milkshake that we had to try it out!  It also seemed like something my throat would enjoy.

Hot Shakes has a ton of flavors to pick from.  They use vanilla ice cream for all of their shakes and add the ingredient to make the flavor.  If you pick chocolate muffin, they literally put chocolate muffin into your milkshake, it's not artificial flavoring.  They had so many flavors to pick from!  Some include rolo, apple pie, carrot cake, lemon cheesecake, orange tic tac, special k cereal, and oreo.  Some of the flavors seem like they would be disgusting, it must be an acquired taste. You can order your milkshake either hot or cold.  I got a hot reeces milkshake and Meghan got a hot chocolate muffin milkshake.   They were pretty good!  We decided that a hot milkshake is essentially a flavored hot chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristi!
    I hope you start to feel better soon! Nothing fun about being sick when you are not close to home. Hot Shakes sounds yummy! Glad you found something you can swallow.
    I've been enjoying reading your blog! You are very good at keeping up with it and very imformative too!
    Take Care!
