Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Lough

Before coming to Ireland I was looking around on Google Maps of the area that I was living in.  I saw that there was a huge park about a mile south of my apartment.  Today when I woke up I went to go look for it!  It was pretty hard to miss.  While I was walking down the hill to the park I got my first glimpse of the Irish countryside! It was so beautiful!  Here's a picture:

At the bottom of this hill is the park.  It's called The Lough (the Irish pronounce this like "lock") It is a huge man made lake with two walking paths, benches, a park, and restaurants around it.  I decided it would be a great place to go running!

There were a ton of birds sitting in the lake and flying around.  There were swans, ducks, pigeons, seagulls, and a few birds that I've never seen before.

I'll add some more pictures to the top of my blog of my adventure today!

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