Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Here are a couple pictures of Cork that I took when walking to school today!  Almost all of the houses in the neighborhoods surrounding UCC are little row houses.  I see students walking in and out of them so it must be where most of the students live. They are all painted different colors, they are so cute!

The bottom picture is just down the road from my apartment.  This is River Lee. Cork has two rivers running through it.  Cork, the town, is essentially the island in between the 2 rivers. Those buildings that look like row houses are actually businesses, like coffee shops, cafes, and pubs.

Cork has a population of around 120,000. It's the third most populous city in Ireland.  After listening to a few locals talk about Dublin, it sounds like Cork and Dublin don't get along.  They both think they are better than the other and have huge grudges against each other. It's pretty funny to hear about!

The Irish drive on the left side of the road.  I am relieved that I won't be driving here, but who would have thought that crossing the street would be just as difficult?? I haven't figured out how to use the crosswalks yet.  The button makes so many crazy noises. They need to write an instruction manual.  It's too mind boggling to figure out which side the cars are coming from and who has the right-of-way so I pretty much just look both ways across like 8 times and make a run for it. Sorry for this kind of gruesome fact but they told us in orientation that is the #1 reason why American study abroad students die.

I'm working on registering for classes right now, it's been a frustrating process. Once I have my courses finalized and approved to transfer back to Iowa State i'll let you all know!

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