Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Roommates & Class

My Irish roommates have arrived! There is Lorna and Kerri from Limerick, Laura from Kerry, and Elaine is from West Cork. They are all really nice and we have been getting to know each other the past couple nights. Their accents are pretty thick and I find myself asking them to repeat themselves a lot.  They go to the College of Commerce here in Cork. It sounds like they are enrolled in a temporary program before they go to a university.  They have school from 9-5 every day...a lot more than I do.  Their vocabulary is a lot different and it's been pretty humorous trying to figure out what each other is trying to say.

I was making a grilled cheese for lunch and my roommate Lorna walked into the kitchen and started laughing.  She was like "Why are you making that toasty in a pan?! We have an oven you know!" She had never seen someone make a sandwich that way.  It was pretty funny.

They will be going home every weekend. It's just what the Irish students do. They are already counting down the days...it's weird. They don't understand why American students don't go home on the weekends when we are at college.

Today was my second day of school! Unlike in the United States, the professors just show up to class whenever they please.  At Iowa State we pretty much start right on time and if a teacher doesn't show up in 10 minutes everyone just leaves and assumes class is cancelled. I sat in class for 25 minutes today waiting for the professor and no one left!  None of the students take notes either which is very different.  I can't tell if they're just lazy or we don't need to.  As you can see from my schedule, I'm taking a couple business electives.  In my classes my professors were using the US market, companies, and CEO's for most of their examples which is convenient. They kept saying "Now, is anyone familiar with the American company Walmart? Or Victoria's Secret?" I just kind of laughed to myself as everyone shook their heads.

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