Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Cork City Gaol

Today Meghan and I went to the Cork City Gaol (or jail).  It was a couple miles away from our apartment. Here's a picture of me on a not-so-sturdy bridge on the way to the gaol.  Please notice the pink mansion in the background.

The tour was given by a cassette tape (old school?) that we wore around our neck and a set of headphones.  Here's a picture of me and a wax figure of the governor who interviewed each inmate that came into the gaol.

The Cork City Gaol was open until 1923.  Here is a picture of the west end.  We were able to go into some of these cells and hear stories of specific inmates that were in the cells.  It was pretty interesting! There was even writing on some of the walls from the inmates that they were able to preserve.  

This is a picture of the exercise lawn.  If an inmate wanted to exercise they had to walk in a single file line around in a circle.  Doesn't sound very recreational to me. You can still see their tracks in the lawn. 

The tour was really interesting and kind of eerie.  On their brochure it says that you can set up a night tour if you have 30+ people or host a corporate event their.  Creepy!  Now let's hope I won't have to see the inside of the current Cork City Gaol.

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