Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm here!

Well here I was this morning! This is proof to all of those who didn't believe that I could pack in one bag, I did it! That doesn't mean it was under the 50 pound limit though, oops.

Well my travels didn't go as smooth as I had hoped today.  My flight out of Minneapolis was delayed 2.5 hours due to "technical difficulties".  I was able to meet up with a couple girls at the gate from Iowa State that were going on same trip as me. We kept each other company. After I got in the air I was very excited to see my very own tv on the back of the seat in front of me.  It had free on demand! After watching a couple movies, I snoozed for a couple hours.  This made the 8 hour flight go pretty quick.

When I landed in Amsterdam, my 3 hour layover had turned into 20 minutes and I found myself running to the gate! I made it just in time and was the last one to board the plane.  When I landed in Cork, I was happy to see my roommate from Ames, Meghan, waiting for me by the baggage claim.  However, my bag didn't make it.  The other girls from Minneapolis and I all lost our bags and we assume they are sitting in the Amsterdam airport because our layover. Hopefully it shows up at my apartment tomorrow!

After getting to our apartment, we dropped our stuff in our room, and headed to the pub! CHEERS!

I'm off to orientation tomorrow, i'll upload some pictures of Cork tomorrow night. It is beautiful here, just like the pictures. I can't believe it!

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