Monday, January 9, 2012

Saint Finbarrs Cathedral

Well here is the other view out of my window...

This is St. Finbarrs Cathedral! It is a massive french gothic style cathedral. It is just down the block from me and it is spectacular! I walk past it every day on my way to school. It has choir services every Sunday and I want to go to one.  I can only imagine what it looks like inside!

It looks really of eerie at night, like it's in a horror movie! They light it up with these orange lights.  However, it has become quite convenient when we get lost or are wandering home from the pubs because it's so tall! I was rudely woken up on Sunday by the cathedral's bells that were sounding for 20 minutes, yes, 20 minutes! It sounded pretty at first but it got really obnoxious really quick.  Hopefully I will get used to them. Here are some closer pictures...

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