Tuesday, January 31, 2012

UCC Traditional Irish Music Society

Last night Meghan and I made it back to The Spailpin Fanac to listen to some traditional Irish music!  Every Monday at 9:30 the UCC Traditional Irish Music Society plays at this pub.  I got a video so you all could listen to the music! It's really dark so you can't see much but we got a pretty good seat so the audio is pretty good...

We've been learning about this music in class too.  We have learned about bagpipes, fiddles, harps, and flutes.  Our professor has brought in a lot of CD's for us to listen to the different styles of music.   She also plays a lot of these instruments so we get to hear them live too.  She brought in her set of bag pipes last week for class, it was really cool!

I snapped a couple pictures of inside the pub before it filled up:

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