Sunday, January 8, 2012

Getting Lost

Today was the first day that I saw the blue sky and sun! It is almost always overcast here. It was a beautiful day! Meghan and I walked around this afternoon to hunt down our classrooms that aren't located on the main campus. We ended up getting pretty lost in some neighborhoods. Here's a picture of some city houses! I wish I lived in this pink one.

We had the whole day to find our way back so we weren't too worried.  We had a few maps with us, however, maps are pretty much worthless in Cork because none of the streets are labeled. We had to figure out where we were by landmarks and the shape of the road. We stumbled across a Heineken brewery, an elementary school, a huge cathedral, and lots of pubs! On our way into the city centre for lunch we found the Occupy Cork movement. There's a picture below! 

I forgot to talk about a holiday that I learned about on Friday. It's called Little Women's Christmas. It is celebrated on January 6th every year. It is the day that the women of Cork celebrate Christmas. Women make their husbands stay at home with the kids and they go out and celebrate with their girlfriends, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers. This holiday used to be more common around Europe however Mother's Day has kind of taken over. It is still a well known holiday in Cork though!

It's getting more difficult to pick which pictures to put in these posts so make sure to look at more pictures at the top of the page!

1 comment:

  1. G'mornin Kristi,Just finished reading your blog and enjoyed it thoroughly. Is'nt it fascinating how intergrated shops, churches, schools, and residential areas are layered together? Randy and I are excited to explore Ireland with you through your blog. Love, Linda
