Saturday, March 3, 2012

Home to Ardfert!

Meghan and I had a lot of fun the past couple days in Tralee with my roommate Laura.  We left Cork on Thursday afternoon and took the bus to Tralee.  This was a 2 hour bus ride.

After getting to Tralee we walked around the town.  Tralee is a town of about 20,000 people.  Although this town is the largest in County Kerry you could tell that it wasn't as touristy as the other ones that we have been to.  We loved this!

The city square:

Laura, Meghan, and Laura's boyfriend, Johnny:

After we wandered around the town for a while Laura's dad came to pick us up to bring us to their home in Ardfert.  Laura and her dad laughed pretty hard when we called his truck a pickup truck.  In Ireland they call every kind of truck a "Jeep" no matter what make it is.  Here are some pictures of Laura's home!  It was so cute and just what we had imagined.  They have a view of the Irish countryside and the ocean out of their windows!

After setting down our stuff we made our way out to the farm.

Thursday night Laura's mom made Meghan and I one of Laura's favorite meals, bacon and cabbage.  Bacon in Ireland is cut really thick and is essentially ham.  These bacon slices were served with mashed potatoes with cooked cabbage mixed in.  It was delicious!  Laura likes to put brown sauce on her bacon.  Brown sauce is a popular sauce here in Ireland, like ketchup and mayonaise.  After giving it a try on our bacon Meghan and I decided it's very similar to steak sauce, Heinz 57 or A1.  For dessert, Larua's mom made homemade apple crumble.  It was amazing!  Her mom asked us if we wanted custard on top of it.  We didn't quite know what she meant by custard but after trying some on our finger we discovered that it's vanilla pudding!  Although it's not a common topper to apple crumble in America, I decided that it would be delicious!  She topped it off again with some fresh whipped cream. YUM!

After dinner Meghan, Laura, and I went to Johnny's house to drink with her friends.  One thing that I keep forgetting to talk about is alcohol delivery.  In Ireland certain off-license liquor stores deliver alcohol to your house!  You can order whatever you want, in addition to chasers, and they will bring it to your door for just a couple Euro's delivery fee.  This country has got it right!

After this we went to a club in Tralee.

That's all for tonight, I'm off to bed. More tomorrow!

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