Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ring of Kerry-Sunday

Sunday morning Marion arranged for a farmer to come to the hotel to talk to us about sheep.  He also brought a couple baby sheep in his truck for us to hold.  This little guy was just a week old!

After leaving the hotel we hoped back on the Ring of Kerry route.  This stop below was probably my favorite scene.  It was so beautiful and so hard to leave behind.  These pictures do not do it justice.

Check out the rainbow below.  If this picture isn't the epitome of an Irish countryside then I don't know what is!  The only thing missing is the pot o' gold!

Next we made our way to one of Daniel O'Connell's homes called the Darrynane House.  Daniel O'Connell is the guy that I talked about in yesterday's blog post.  His home is now a museum.  None of the museums that we went to this weekend were supposed to be open because the tourist season isn't big during the winter.  Marion some how knew all of the museum owners and they drove to open the museums just for our group!

Meghan and I went wandering around in the forest behind his house after the tour and stumbled across this tree with a tunnel under it! It was so strange.

We continued on the Ring of Kerry.  The road left the coast and drove into an area which I would imagine Colorado would look like.  Mountains and lakes! We stopped at scenic stop along the road called Lady's View for a picnic lunch.

We entered the Killarney National Park.  This park is huge, over 26,000 acres!  Our first stop was the Torc Waterfall.

We then went to Muckross Park.  Driving to Muckross Park reminded me of driving to my cabin!  We were driving along lakes and there were lots of pine trees around! Who knew Ireland could look like this too.

Muckross Lake:

That concludes my Ring of Kerry trip!  It was so beautiful and it will be something I'll never forget.


  1. We were at Muckross Park! We have the exact picture of the lake. And the castle was so beautiful. There was actually a wedding there at the same time we were there. I can't imagine a more beautiful place to have a wedding! Maybe you could go back there for your wedding someday. We'd be glad to travel. We are soooo enjoying all of the pictures, posts and "day in the life" of Kristi. I check almost every night. Miss you lots!!!

    1. That's funny! When we were walking around there I turned to Meghan and said "If I meet my husband here, this is where my wedding will be!" I'm working on it...
