Monday, February 6, 2012


I'm home from my trip to Galway! We had such a great weekend.  It was so beautiful there and I would love to go back some day.  We left for Galway at 11am on Friday.  The coach bus that we took was really nice!  The ride was about 3.5 hours and it was so beautiful!  I got to see the Irish countryside, a bunch small towns, cottages, castles, and an occasional field of horses and sheep.

The hostel that we stayed in was called Sleepzone.  The hostel was very nice and clean! It had free computers, wi-fi, a full kitchen for us to use, and free towels!  We stayed in a 10 bedroom all female room.  We met a girl from Spain who works as an au pair for a family in Dublin and a group of girls from Sweden.

After dropping off our bags at the hostel we went walking around the city.  Here is a picture of the Medieval Quarter.  The Medieval Quarter is blocks of cobblestone streets lined with shops, pubs, and restaurants.  About every 50 yards there was a different street performer.  There were acoustic guitar players, a man dressed up like the devil, an old man playing the accordion, and fiddle players. It was so cool!

Meghan and I also visited the Galway City Museum, St. Patrick's Cathedral, and Eyre Square, the heart of the city centre.  We learned that Eyre Square is dedicated to the American president JFK because he visited Galway just before his assassination.  There is also an outdoor carousel in Eyre Square.  It was our hope to ride this at some point during the weekend before realizing that it probably wasn't the best hangover activity.

On Friday and Saturday we had a lot of time to walk along the Irish Sea.  Here of some pictures of us by the mouth of a river, the marina, and the Irish Sea!

Galway was so beautiful and it was great to be by the water and to see a different town!  I felt like I was walking around in post card pictures.  In the next couple days I'll add more pictures to the top of my blog from the weekend.

Meghan had a great 21st birthday!  I'll make a post tomorrow to talk about that.  It's midnight here and the Super Bowl just started.  It plays on a TV station that we have in the apartment but I am wiped out from the weekend.  Good night all!

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