Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Back to Galway!

On Thursday morning Andrea and I left Limerick and made our way to our last stop, Galway.  We stayed at  Snoozles Hostel.  This hostel was the nicest that I have ever stayed at!  It was very comfortable.  

On Thursday Andrea and I walked around the city, went into shops for souvenirs, and went to a cafe for lunch.  

We made our way down to Galway Bay and walked along the water for an hour or two.  It was a beautiful day!  That night Andrea made our rounds to a few local pubs.

This past weekend was the annual Galway Food Festival!  It looks like we couldn't have picked a better weekend to be there.  On Friday and Saturday they had food demos and lots and lots of booths with delicious local and ethnic food.

We walked through the Galway market where Andrea and I each bought a Galway painting from a local artist and I picked up some souvenirs.

Since it was a festival weekend there were a lot of musicians out on the street performing.  These were some local kids playing traditional Irish music.  They were great and drew quite a crowd!

Friday night was Good Friday.  Good Friday is one of the two days of the year (and Christmas) where the pubs close in Ireland. (Gasp!)  Alcohol can't be purchased in grocery stores or liquor stores either.  Andrea and I decided to make dinner in the hostel and go to the cinema (...as they call it) that night to see a movie instead.  We saw to 21 Jump Street.  If anyone's looking for a good laugh we highly recommend it!

On Saturday morning Andrea and I walked around the Food Festival some more then got on a bus to go back to Cork.  On Easter Sunday Andrea flew back to Minnesota.  We had a great week together!

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